The following posters and abstracts will be presented at upcoming conferences and scientific meetings this year:
Basch, M.C., Chow, E.T., Logan, D.E., Borsook, D., Schechter, N.L., & Simons, L.E. (2017). Multiple pain sites in youth with chronic pain: Impact of cumulative load. Poster to be presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Chardon, M. L., Basch, M., Stromberg, S. E., & Janicke, D.M. (2017). The Moderating Role of Family Functioning on the Relationship between Parental Distress and Youth Disease-Related Quality of Life. Poster to be presented at the 2017 Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Fidler, A.L., Lawless, C., Lefave, E., Netz, M., McConville, A., Turner, E.M. & Fedele, D.A. (2017). Adolescent sleep quality, anxiety, and asthma control: Associations and between-group comparisons. Poster to be presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Lawless, C., Netz, M., Turner, E.M., McConville, A., LeFave, E., Koinis Mitchell, D., & Fedele, D.A. (2017). Sleep hygiene in adolescents with asthma. Poster to be presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Netz, M., Fedele, D.A., Lawless, C., Fritz, A.M., Turner, E.M., Janicke, D.M., McQuaid, E.L, Baker, D., & Abu Hasan, M. (2017). Preliminary findings for the childhood health and asthma management program (CHAMP). Poster to be presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Stromberg, S. E., Chardon, M. L., & Janicke, D. M. (2017). Family Mealtime Functioning Moderates the Relationship between Youth Body Dissatisfaction and Weight Control Behavior Use. Poster to be presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Sweenie, R., Lawless, C., Chardon, M.L., Carmody, J.K., Janicke, D.M., & Fedele, D.A. (2017). Sleep Disturbance, Quality of Life, and Asthma Status in Youth. Poster to be presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Turner, E.M., Lawless, C.. Chardon, M.L., Carmody, J.K., Janicke, D. & Fedele, D.A. (2017). Eating Behaviors in Pediatric Food Allergy. Poster to be presented American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
Warnick J., Westen S., & Janicke D. (2017). Ecological Momentary Assessment to Measure Motivators and Barriers to Blood Glucose Monitoring in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes. (Abstract). To be presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine 38th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA.