Social functioning in young adults with Chronic Pain (Elizabeth Wolock)
The purpose of the proposed study is to identify patterns of peer-related social functioning in college students with chronic pain. The study will also expand upon the existing literature by examining demographic and pain-related predictors of profiles, including subjective social status, age, gender, pain interference, and pain intensity.
Religious and Spiritual Coping in Adolescents & Young Adults with Cancer (Rebecca Quinones)
The current study aims to address this gap in the literature by evaluating the religious and spiritual beliefs of AYAs as a means to determine their potential associations with resilience and health related quality of life.
The relationship between social determinants of health behavior and health outcomes and psychosocial functioning in youth with sickle cell disease (Lexi Himelhoch)
Food Insecurity and Parent Feeding Behaviors and Styles (Rachel Gonzalez)
The purpose of the current study is to examine the potential generational effects of past and present food security status on parent feeding behaviors using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies in a population of parents with children between the ages of 2 and 11 years.
A Longitudinal Analysis of Predictors and Outcomes of Sleep Variability in Youth with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Erin Moorman)
This study aimed to identify longitudinal contributors to poor sleep quality and fatigue in pediatric IBD using a multilevel modeling statistical approach to evaluate how different factors (e.g., corticosteroid dosage, disease activity, anxiety, depression, family functioning, sleep environment, and family income) impact within and between person differences in sleep quality and fatigue over time.
Assessing the Impact of Diabetic Ketoacideosis on Cognitive Functioning and Glycemia in Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes (Ke Ding).
The study aimed to 1) assess cognitive functioning in a sample of adolescents with Type 1 diabetes; 2) compare their performance to the published norms; 3) address whether diabetic ketoacidosis predicted adolescents’ cognitive performance; and 4) explore whether diabetic ketoacidosis and attention/executive functioning impacted diabetes outcomes as indicated by HbA1c and percentage of time-in-range.
Patterns of Body Image in Latinx College Students: A Latent Profile Analysis. (Stefania Pinto)
The purpose of the study was to utilize latent profile analysis to identify and describe profiles of Latinx college students based on their patterns across BMI and measures of body dissatisfaction, acculturation, and acculturative stress. This study will also examine predictors (including gender, year in school, perceived discrimination, and subjective social status) and outcomes (disordered eating behaviors, self-esteem, and depression symptoms) by exploring how these relationships present across class membership.
Impact of Weight Cues on Virtual Human Pediatric Clinical Judgment (Molly Basch)
This study examined the influence of virtual human pediatric patient and mother weight status cues (healthy weight vs. obese) on healthcare trainee pain assessment decision-making.
Longitudinal Effects of Family-Based Behavioral Treatment of Obesity: Child and Family Characteristics that Influence Children’s Eating Attitudes and Behaviors (Manal Alabduljabbar)
The study examines whether Behavioral Family interventions for childhood obesity negatively impact children’s eating attitudes and behaviors, as well as seeks to identify predictors poorer eating attitudes and behaviors following participants in a weight management program.
Validity of Using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) to Assess Adherence to Glucose Monitoring in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes (Jennifer Warnick)
The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of using mobile technology with an adolescent Type 1 Diabetes research participant population, as well as to compare self-reported blood glucose monitoring adherence data to objective blood glucose monitoring adherence data.
The Impact of Pre-surgical Dietary and Psychosocial Factors on Post-Surgical Diet in a Population of Bariatric Surgery Patients (Sarah Stromberg)
The goal of the longitudinal study is to identify pre-surgical dietary and psychological factors impacting post-surgical diet in a sample of adult patients undergoing laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.
Impact of Sleep Timing on Dietary Intake and Physical Activity among Youth: An Experimental N-of-1 Sleep Manipulation (Kendra Krietsch)
This single case design study will track children’s dietary intake & physical activity as part of an experimental sleep timing paradigm. Healthy children (ages 6-11) with no diagnosed sleep, mood, or behavioral disorders will be eligible. Dietary intake and physical activity will be tracked daily throughout the 5-week protocol in which participants are alternate (on a weekly basis) between their typical sleep schedule or a delayed sleep schedule in which they go to bed and wake up 2 hours later each day. Funding for this study is provided in part by the UF Health Shands Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship.
Objectively-Measured Adherence in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes on Multiple Daily Injections and Insulin Pump Therapy: The Role of Distress, Fear of Hypoglycemia, and Insulin Restriction (Sarah Westen)
This study is interested in understanding factors that contribute to adolescent management of type 1 diabetes. Specifically this study will examine the roles of psychological factors (e.g., distress, fear of hypoglycemia, and unhealthy weight control behaviors) in adherence to type 1 diabetes treatment in youth ages 11-17 on intensive insulin therapy (either multiple daily injections or an insulin pump). Funding for this study is provided through the Society of Pediatric Psychology Mary Jo Kupst Trainee Grant for Research in Resilience
The impact of individual and socioenviornmental factors on health-related quality of life, health care utilization, and disease severity among adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Julia Carmody)
The goal of this longitudinal study is to identify psychosocial factors impacting HRQOL, school attendance, health care utilization, and disease severity in youth with IBD. Funding for this study is provided through the Society of Pediatric Psychology Marion and Donald Routh Student Research Award