Joseph McNamara, Ph.D. (Affiliate Faculty)



Office: (352) 265-8875

CV – Joseph McNamara, Ph.D.

FEAR Lab Website


Dr. Joseph McNamara is a licensed psychologist and an Associate Professor in the College of Medicine at the University of Florida. Dr. McNamara is the Chief of the Psychology Division in the Department of Psychiatry, Director of the OCD Treatment Program, and Co-Director of the Center for OCD, Anxiety, and Related Disorders (COARD). He has extensive training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Exposure-Response Prevention and is recognized as an expert in this area. Dr. McNamara holds a joint faculty position with Clinical & Health Psychology.


Dr. McNamara conducts clinical research examining factors that impact treatment outcomes in OCD and anxiety disorders, with a focus in the area of improving treatment outcomes for youth, emerging adults, and adults with these disorders. He has collected treatment data for pediatric and adult OCD in his lab at the University of Florida and received internal funding to investigate the relationship between OCD and sleep in children and adolescents and is the mentor on TL1 grant, investigating an interdisciplinary Approach Postpartum OCD. He was also the lead University of Florida therapist on an NIH grant studying SSRI-Induced Activation Syndrome in Pediatric OCD. Most of his current projects are largely driven by the students he mentors.


Dr. McNamara has professional experience in counseling centers, psychiatric outpatient facilities, and hospitals. He has treated patients of all ages, from children to seniors. He has extensive training in CBT, CBT with exposure-response therapy, and the treatment of insomnia. He specializes in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety disorders. He is the director of an outpatient clinic specializing in this area. Dr. McNamara also collaborated in the development of the Fear Facers Summer Camp which offers intensive therapeutic services to youth with OCD and other anxiety disorders.


Dr. McNamara teaches CBT, therapeutic treatment of anxiety disorders, therapeutic treatment of depression, psychotherapy, assessment, diagnosis, supervision and developmental psychology. In the 2014-2015 school year, Dr. McNamara received the Residency Teacher Award from UF College of Medicine. He currently teaches Child Fellows’ Didactics on Typical Development at the University of Florida and serves as the Ombudsmen for the Psychiatry Residency and Child & Adolescent Fellowship programs.


Dr. McNamara is/was a research mentor to 12 graduate students, clinical supervisor to 213 graduate students from three separate APA accredited programs, and 33 postdoctoral fellows. He also supervises medical students and psychiatry residents. In the 2017-2018 school year, Dr. McNamara received the Faculty Academic Advising Award for his work at the University of Florida.

Representative Publications

  1. Zaboski, B. A., Joyce-Beaulieu, D., Kranzler, J. H., McNamara, J. P., Gayle, C., & MacInnes, J. (In press). Group exposure and response prevention for college students with social anxiety: A randomized clinical trial. Accepted for publication to the Journal of Clinical Psychology.
  2. Guzick, A.G., Cooke, D.L., McNamara, J. P. H., Reid, A.M., Graziano, P., Lewin, A.B., Murphy, T.K., Goodman, W.K., Storch, E.A., & Geffken, G.R. (2019). Parents’ perceptions of internalizing and externalizing features in childhood OCD. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-10.
  3. Guzick, A.G., Reid, A.M., Balkhi, A.M., Geffken, G.R., & McNamara, J. P. H. (2018). That was easy! Expectancy violations during exposure and response prevention for childhood obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behavior Modification. Epub 2019 Nov 18.
  4. Guzick, A.G., Cooke, D.L., Gage, N., & McNamara, J. P. H. (2018). CBT-plus: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cognitive-behavioral therapy augmentation strategies for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 19, 6-14.
  5. Reid, A.M., Guzick, A.G., Fernandez, A.G., Deacon, B.J., McNamara, J. P. H., Geffken, G.R., McCarty, R.M., & Striley, C.W. (2018). Exposure therapy for youth with anxiety: Utilization rates and predictors of implementation in a sample of private practice therapists from across the United States. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 58, 8-17.
  6. Reid, A. M., Guzick, A.G., Balkhi, A. M., McBride, M., Geffken, G. R., & McNamara, J. P H. (2017). The progressive cascading model improves exposure delivery in trainee therapists learning exposure therapy. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 11, 260-265.
  7. Reid, A. M., Bolshakova, M. I., Guzick, A. G, Fernandez, A. G., Striley, C. W., Geffken, G. R., McNamara, J. P. H. (2017). Common barriers to the dissemination of exposure therapy for youth with anxiety disorders. Community Mental Health Journal, 53(4), 432-437.
  8. McCarty, R. J., Guzick, A. G., Swan, L. K., & McNamara, J. P. H. (2017). Stigma and recognition of different types of symptoms in OCD. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 12, 64-70.
  9. Guzick, A.G, McNamara, J.P.H., Reid, A.M., Balkhi, A.M., Storch, E.A., Murphy, T.K., Goodman, W.K, Bussing, R., & Geffken, G.R. (2017). The link between ADHD-like inattention and obsessions and compulsions during the treatment of youth with OCD. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 12,1-8
  10. Balkhi, A. M., Reid, A. M., Guzick, A. G., Geffken, G. R., & McNamara, J. P. H. (2016). The progressive cascading model: A scalable model for teaching and mentoring graduate trainees in exposure therapy. Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders, 9, 26-42.